密歇根州副警长布拉德利·雷克林在底特律追捕一辆疑似被盗车辆时被枪杀。 Michigan deputy Bradley J. Reckling was fatally shot during a pursuit of a suspected stolen vehicle in Detroit.
密歇根州副警长布拉德利·雷克林在底特律追捕一辆疑似被盗车辆时被枪杀。 A Michigan county sheriff's deputy, Bradley J. Reckling, was fatally shot during a pursuit of a suspected stolen vehicle in Detroit. 雷克林是一名有九年驾驶经验的老手,他当时正在跟踪一辆 2022 款雪佛兰 Equinox,突然车停了下来,车内的人伏击了他,向他的头部、胸部和躯干开枪。 Reckling, an experienced nine-year veteran, was following the 2022 Chevy Equinox when it suddenly stopped and the occupants ambushed him, shooting him in the head, chest, and torso. 据报道,当天早些时候,这辆车在麦迪逊高地郊区的红橡树水上乐园被盗。 The vehicle had been reported stolen earlier in the day from Red Oaks Waterpark in suburban Madison Heights. 三名嫌疑人已被拘留,底特律警方正在继续调查此事件。 Three suspects were taken into custody, and Detroit police continue to investigate the incident.