温哥华奥运村的一条下水道主干线破裂,导致街道被淹,迫使政府封闭道路并修复管道。 A broken sewer main in Vancouver's Olympic Village flooded streets, prompting road closures and pipe repair efforts.
周四早上,温哥华奥运村的一条下水道主干线破裂,导致街道被淹,当地政府出于健康和环境考虑关闭了周边道路。 A broken sewer main in Vancouver's Olympic Village flooded streets on Thursday morning, causing local authorities to close surrounding roads due to health and environmental concerns. 大温哥华地区救援队赶赴现场修复管道,该地区的交通受到影响。 Crews from Metro Vancouver were dispatched to repair the pipe, and traffic was affected in the area. 奥运村附近的污水泄漏不会影响福溪周末的划船活动。 The sewage leak, near Olympic Village, will not impact the weekend's boating activities in False Creek.