波特兰的主要断水造成洪水、道路封锁和潜在的水压问题。 Water main break in Portland causes flooding, road closures, and potential water pressure issues.
西南第一大道和波特兰Arthur西南街交叉口的一条主干道在星期天造成重大水灾,导致十字路口关闭,Naito Parkway/26号高速公路附近通往东面的交通堵塞。 A water main break at the intersection of Southwest 1st Avenue and Southwest Arthur Street in Portland caused significant flooding on Sunday, leading to the closure of the intersection and nearby Naito Parkway/Highway 26 to eastbound traffic. 波特兰水局说,没有居民没有水,但有些居民可能受到水压力变化或变色水的影响。 The Portland Water Bureau stated that no residents are without water, but some may experience water pressure changes or discolored water. 工作人员正在努力修复可追溯到 1962 年的断裂,并建议司机避开该地区。 Crews are working to repair the break, which dates back to 1962, and advise drivers to avoid the area.