新闻学背景的游戏开发者本·杰利纳斯(Ben Gelinas)于6月21日发布了太空题材游戏《时空与银河》。 Game developer Ben Gelinas, with journalism background, releases space-themed game "Times and Galaxy" on June 21.
拥有新闻学背景的游戏开发者 Ben Gelinas 将于 6 月 21 日发布他的视频游戏《时代与银河》。 Game developer Ben Gelinas, who has a journalism background, is releasing his video game "Times and Galaxy" on June 21st. 该游戏以太空为背景,玩家扮演太阳系全息纸的机器人实习生,该全息纸被称为“太阳系最值得信赖的全息纸”。 The game, which is set in space, puts players in the role of a robo-intern for a solar system holopaper called "the solar system's most trusted holopaper." 受新闻事业的影响,杰利纳斯的目标是创造一款具有真实感和有趣故事情节的游戏,希望将他对游戏和新闻事业的热情结合起来。 With influences from his journalism career, Gelinas aims to create a game with realism and interesting storylines, hoping to combine his passion for gaming and journalism.