PUBG 的创建者 Brendan Greene 正在开发一个名为 Artemis 的元宇宙,作为用户创建世界的 3D 互联网。 Brendan Greene, creator of PUBG, is developing a metaverse called Artemis to serve as a 3D internet for user-created worlds.
Brendan Greene是PUBG的创建者, 正在开发一个名为Artemis(Artemis)的全新版本, 旨在建立3D互联网, 让用户可以创造和分享数字世界。 Brendan Greene, the creator of PUBG, is developing a metaverse called Artemis, aiming to create a 3D internet where users can craft and share digital worlds. Greene计划使用两种即将到来的游戏, 即Prologue和无名标题, 测试这项技术, Still in early stages, Greene plans to use two upcoming games, Prologue and an unnamed title, to test the technology, with Prologue set for a 2025 release. 这个雄心勃勃的项目预计将耗时15年, 面临温和与版权问题等挑战, 但Greene认为它是一个开创性平台, The ambitious project, expected to take 15 years, faces challenges like moderation and copyright issues, but Greene envisions it as a groundbreaking platform for player-created content.