印度敦促南部各州加快执行农业计划,以便及时提供资金并采取行动。 India urges southern states to accelerate farm scheme implementations for timely funding and action.
印度政府正在推动南部各州加快实施农业部门计划,确保及时提供资金并用国家捐款解决各种问题。 The Indian government is pushing southern states to speed up the implementation of farm sector schemes by ensuring timely funding and addressing issues with state contributions. 11月18日至19日在Visakhapatnam举行的审查会议讨论了这个问题,重点讨论了诸如Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana和Krishonnati Yojana等计划。 This was discussed at a review meeting in Visakhapatnam on Nov. 18-19, focusing on schemes like Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana and Krishonnati Yojana. 敦促各国在12月前最后敲定行动计划,以便在4月及时提供资金。 States were urged to finalize action plans by December for timely funding in April. 其他专题包括国家食用油任务、碳信用以及电子国家农业市场。 Other topics included the National Edible Oils Mission, Carbon Credits, and the e-National Agriculture Market.