演员 Tinashe Chitiki 起诉津巴布韦 Sunny Yiefeng 瓷砖制造商,因其在诺顿工厂失去手指而索赔 15,000 美元。 Actor Tinashe Chitiki sues Sunny Yiefeng tile manufacturer in Zimbabwe for US$15,000 compensation due to finger loss at their Norton plant.
演员蒂娜舍·奇蒂基 (Tinashe Chitiki) 因在津巴布韦的 Sunny Yiefeng 瓷砖制造商诺顿制造厂失去手指而对其提起诉讼,要求赔偿 15,000 美元。 Actor Tinashe Chitiki is suing Sunny Yiefeng tile manufacturer in Zimbabwe for US$15,000 in compensation after losing fingers at the company's Norton manufacturing plant. 奇蒂基声称,当他操作的机器在没有任何警告的情况下启动时,他的手指被压伤了。 Chitiki claims that his fingers were crushed when the machine he was operating was switched on without warning. 他在申请中引用了国家社会保障局(Nssa)和 Sunny Yiefeng 作为被告。 He has cited National Social Security Authority (Nssa) and Sunny Yiefeng as respondents in his application.