富士山在登山季节前安装了人群控制门,以解决安全、环境和过度拥挤问题。 Mount Fuji installs a crowd-control gate ahead of climbing season to address safety, environment, and overcrowding issues.
富士山在登山季节到来前安装人群控制门;山梨县知事称需要采取更多措施。 Mount Fuji installs crowd-control gate ahead of climbing season; Yamanashi governor says more measures needed. 为了迎接 7 月 1 日日本登山季节的开始,6 月 17 日,日本富士山半山腰安装了一道人群控制门。 A crowd-control gate was installed halfway up Japan's Mount Fuji on June 17, ahead of the July 1 climbing season start. 其目的是控制人群并解决日益严重的安全、环境和过度拥挤问题。 It aims to control crowds and address growing safety, environment, and overcrowding issues. 大门将于下午 4 点至凌晨 3 点之间关闭,以限制那些没有预订吉田路线沿线小屋过夜的人员进入,从而阻止“子弹攀登”或在没有充分休息的情况下冲向山顶。 The gate will be closed between 4 pm and 3 am to limit access to those who haven't booked overnight stays at huts along the Yoshida trail, discouraging "bullet climbing" or rushing to the summit without adequate rest. 然而,山梨县知事表示,需要采取额外措施来控制山下坡的过度拥挤。 Yamanashi governor, however, states additional measures are needed to control overcrowding on the mountain's lower slopes.