特朗普78岁的生日让2024年美国总统大选候选人的年龄成为关注焦点。 78-year-old Trump's birthday brings focus to age of candidates in 2024 US presidential race.
前总统唐纳德·特朗普将于周五迎来 78 岁生日,这引起了人们对 2024 年大选两位美国主要总统候选人年龄的关注。 Former President Donald Trump turns 78 on Friday, drawing attention to the age of both major US presidential candidates in the 2024 election. 特朗普和 81 岁的总统乔·拜登的思维敏锐度和年龄已成为竞选中的核心问题,往往比实质性政策讨论更重要。 Trump and President Joe Biden, aged 81, have had their mental sharpness and age become central issues in the election race, often taking precedence over substantive policy discussions. 特朗普的生日凸显了人们的担忧:如果他再次当选,他将成为有史以来就职年龄最大的总统,达到 78 岁,超过拜登目前 81 岁的纪录。 Trump's milestone birthday highlights the concern that if re-elected, he would become the oldest person ever inaugurated at 78, surpassing Biden's current record of 81.