81 岁的拜登总统有时注意力非常集中,但有时也容易思维混乱和健忘,尤其是在晚上晚些时候。 81-year-old President Biden exhibits moments of sharp focus but can be confused and forgetful, particularly later in the evening.
据经常见到总统乔·拜登的人说,81 岁的拜登总统有时“敏锐而专注”,但有时却“困惑和健忘”。 81-year-old President Joe Biden is described as "sharp and focused" during some moments but can be "confused and forgetful" in others, according to those who frequently see him in action. 在拜登与共和党人唐纳德·特朗普的辩论表现惨淡之后,这些事件,尤其是在当晚晚些时候,引起了更多关注。 These instances, particularly later in the evening, have gained more attention following Biden's disastrous debate performance against Republican Donald Trump.