萨尼亚市议会批准为彩虹公园内无家可归者的营地提供临时卫生和安全保障。 Sarnia council authorizes temporary sanitation and security for homeless encampment in Rainbow Park.
继兰伯顿县议会拒绝提供有关在公园内设立临时卫生间的信息后,萨尼亚议会已批准为彩虹公园的无家可归者营地提供临时卫生和安全措施。 Sarnia council has authorized temporary sanitation and security measures for a homeless encampment in Rainbow Park, following Lambton County council's rejection of a call for info on setting up temporary washrooms in the park. 这些措施是为了回应人们对公园内“人类健康危机”的担忧,据估计,公园内居住着 30 至 40 人。 The measures come in response to concerns over a "human health crisis" in the park, where an estimated 30-40 people have been living.