由于疾病和极端天气影响了巴西 36 年来的最大收成,橙汁价格居高不下。 Orange juice prices remain high due to disease and extreme weather impacting Brazil's largest harvest in 36 years.
由于主要生产国的橙园持续受到疾病和极端天气的影响,预计橙汁价格将保持高位。 Orange juice prices are expected to remain high due to ongoing issues with disease and extreme weather affecting orange groves in top-producing countries. 据圣保罗州柑橘种植者组织 Fundecitrus 称,巴西今年的橙汁产量为世界最高,但预计产量将是 36 年来最低的。 Brazil's orange juice harvest, the largest in the world, is predicted to be the worst in 36 years, according to Fundecitrus, a citrus growers' organization in Sao Paulo state. 对于橙汁价格上涨和短缺的担忧是有道理的,因为极端天气条件和柑橘黄龙病等疾病持续影响橙子的生产。 The concerns regarding the increasing prices and scarcity of orange juice are valid, as extreme weather conditions and diseases like citrus greening continue to impact orange production.