泰晤士河谷空中救护车发起圣诞呼吁, 突显25年的关键护理。 Thames Valley Air Ambulance launches Christmas appeal, highlighting 25 years of critical care.
泰晤士河谷空中救护车发起了一次圣诞呼吁,以突出其提供关键护理的25年历史。 Thames Valley Air Ambulance launched a Christmas appeal to highlight its 25-year history of providing critical care. 慈善社每天24/7每天平均接听9个电话,15分钟的飞行时间到伯尔克郡、白金汉郡和牛津郡的任何地点。 Operating 24/7, the charity responds to an average of nine calls daily, with a 15-minute flight time to any location in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, and Oxfordshire. 去年,它援助了3 293个关键护理病例。 Last year, it assisted in 3,293 critical care cases. 慈善组织敦促捐款支持其拯救生命的工作。 The charity urges donations to support its life-saving work.