在真主党势力紧张之际,以色列士兵使用中世纪的投石机点燃黎巴嫩边境的植被。 Israeli soldiers employ a medieval trebuchet to ignite Lebanese border vegetation amid Hezbollah tensions.
在与真主党的紧张局势不断升级之际,以色列士兵使用中世纪的投石机向黎巴嫩发射火球。 Israeli soldiers have used a medieval trebuchet to launch fireballs into Lebanon amid escalating tensions with Hezbollah. 投石机被用来焚烧边境沿线的茂密植被,这对以色列国防军追踪和逮捕敌对势力构成了挑战。 The trebuchet was used to set fire to dense vegetation along the border, which poses a challenge for the IDF as they attempt to track and apprehend hostile forces. 以色列国防军称,投石机是“地方举措,而非广泛使用的工具”。 The Israel Defense Forces stated that the trebuchet is a "local initiative and not a tool that is widely used."