卡塔尔航空 204 航班上的男运动员参加泰拳比赛回国时,由于缺乏空调,机舱温度超过 95°F,导致航班延误和乘客不适。 Male athletes on Qatar Airway Flight 204 faced a cabin temperature over 95°F due to lack of air conditioning, causing delays and passenger discomfort during their return trip from a Muay Thai competition.
卡塔尔航空 204 航班上的几名男运动员在参加完泰拳比赛归来后,由于空调故障,机舱温度上升到 95 华氏度以上。 Male athletes on Qatar Airways Flight 204, returning from a Muay Thai competition, experienced a lack of air conditioning causing the cabin temperature to rise above 95 degrees Fahrenheit. 包括一些运动员在内的乘客都脱掉了衣服以抵御炎热。 Passengers, including some athletes, removed their clothes to cope with the heat. 这架从雅典出发的飞机出现延误,航班飞行三个小时后才允许乘客下机,并重新安排了航班时间。 The plane departing from Athens faced delays and passengers were eventually let off after three hours, with the flight rescheduled.