鲁迪·朱利安尼因涉嫌在 2020 年亚利桑那州选举中协助“假选举人”计划而面临九项重罪指控。 Rudy Giuliani faces nine felony charges for allegedly aiding a "fake elector" scheme in the 2020 Arizona election.
前纽约市市长、特朗普律师鲁迪·朱利安尼因涉嫌协助“假选举人”计划错误地宣布特朗普为 2020 年亚利桑那州大选的获胜者而面临九项重罪指控。 Former NYC mayor and Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani faces nine felony charges for allegedly aiding a "fake elector" scheme to falsely declare Trump the winner of the 2020 Arizona election. 朱利安尼上个月因虚假的选举舞弊指控在纽约被吊销了律师执照,但他于五月表示不认罪。 Giuliani, who had his law license suspended in New York last month due to false election fraud claims, pleaded not guilty in May. 马里科帕县治安官办公室公布了他的面部照片,从照片上可以看到他面带笑容。 His mugshot, released by the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, shows him grinning.