乌克兰武装部队中有 67,000 名女性服役,自 2014 年以来,尤其是在俄罗斯入侵之后,女性服役人数不断增加。 67,000 women serve in Ukraine's Armed Forces, with representation increasing since 2014, especially after Russia's invasion.
国防部副部长纳塔利娅·卡尔米科娃表示,乌克兰武装部队中有 67,000 名女性服役,其中 19,000 名是劳工,其余是军事人员。 67,000 women serve in Ukraine's Armed Forces, with 19,000 as laborers and the rest as military personnel, according to Deputy Defense Minister Natalia Kalmykova. 自 2014 年以来,军队中女性的比例有所增加,俄罗斯入侵后,女性比例上升的速度进一步加快。 Women's representation in the army has increased since 2014, with the pace speeding up after Russia's invasion. 目前,女性担任着以男性为主的职务,国防部致力于解决她们在职业发展方面面临的挑战。 Women now serve in male-dominated roles, and the Ministry of Defence works on addressing career advancement challenges for them.