俄罗斯因伊朗合作伙伴提出挑战,暂时中止与伊朗的合作协议。 Russia temporarily suspends cooperation agreement with Iran due to Iranian partner challenges.
俄罗斯国家通讯社援引俄罗斯外交部官员的话称,由于伊朗合作伙伴面临的挑战,俄罗斯与伊朗的新合作协议被暂时中止。 Russia's new cooperation agreement with Iran has been temporarily suspended due to challenges faced by Iranian partners, according to Russia's RIA state news agency, citing a Russian foreign ministry official. 2022 年 9 月,俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京和伊朗已故总统易卜拉欣·莱西宣布了这一合作,旨在促进建立更加公平的多极世界秩序,以对抗美国的外交政策。 The collaboration, which aimed to promote a fairer multipolar world order against perceived U.S. foreign policy, was announced in September 2022 by Russian President Vladimir Putin and Iran's late President Ebrahim Raisi.