伊朗、俄罗斯和中国的领导人会聚一堂,加深关系,对抗美国对重大经济交易的影响力。 Leaders of Iran, Russia, and China meet to deepen ties, counter US influence with major economic deals.
伊朗、俄罗斯和中国的领导人正在深化其经济和战略联系,以对抗美国的影响。 Leaders of Iran, Russia, and China are deepening their economic and strategic ties, aiming to counter US influence. 伊朗总统佩塞什基安(Masoud Pezeshkian)与中国官员会晤,讨论一项全面合作协议,其中可能涉及中国在25年内投资4 000亿美元。 Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian met with Chinese officials to discuss a comprehensive cooperation agreement, which could involve China investing $400 billion over 25 years. Pezeshkian还计划访问俄罗斯,进行潜在的战略伙伴关系谈判。 Pezeshkian also plans to visit Russia for potential strategic partnership talks. 这些举动是在担心美国可能实行制裁和想要挑战西方主导地位的情况下发生的。 These moves come amid concerns over potential US sanctions and the desire to challenge Western dominance.