印度一家人在从 Zepto 订购的 Hershey 糖浆中发现了一只死老鼠;3 人吃了它,1 人就医。 Family in India found a dead mouse in Hershey's syrup ordered from Zepto; 3 consumed, 1 sought medical attention.
印度的一个家庭通过在线杂货配送应用程序 Zepto 订购了一瓶好时巧克力糖浆,结果在瓶中发现了一只死老鼠。 A family in India found a dead mouse in a bottle of Hershey's chocolate syrup they ordered from Zepto, an online grocery delivery app. 这家人在 Instagram 上分享了这一令人不安的发现的视频,显示三名家庭成员在发现老鼠之前就喝了受污染的糖浆。 The family shared a video of the disturbing discovery on Instagram, revealing that three family members had consumed the contaminated syrup before the mouse was found. 事件发生后,其中一名家庭成员需要就医。 One of the family members required medical attention after the incident. 好时公司已对这段视频做出回应,敦促受害者家人寻求解决办法。 Hershey's has responded to the video, urging the family to reach out for a resolution.