在币安任命当地代表后,尼日利亚撤销了对币安高管逃税的指控。 Nigeria dropped tax evasion charges against Binance execs after Binance appointed local representative.
在币安任命当地代表处理法律诉讼后,尼日利亚撤销了对币安高管 Tigran Gambaryan 和 Nadeem Anjarwalla 的逃税指控。 Nigeria dropped tax evasion charges against Binance executives Tigran Gambaryan and Nadeem Anjarwalla after Binance appointed a local representative to handle the legal proceedings. 联邦税务局(FIRS)最初指控币安及其高管逃税,但在币安任命 Ayodele Omotilewa 为其尼日利亚代表后,FIRS 提出了新的指控,并将币安列为唯一被告。 The Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) initially accused Binance and the executives of tax evasion, but after Binance appointed Ayodele Omotilewa as its Nigerian representative, the FIRS filed new charges, listing Binance as the sole defendant.