尼日利亚法院准许保释前AMCON头目和另外四人,他们被控参与31.5M Arik Air欺诈案。 Nigerian court grants bail to former AMCON head and four others accused in $31.5M Arik Air fraud case.
尼日利亚的Ikeja特别犯罪法院准予前AMCON总裁Ahmed Kuru和另外四人保释,罪名是760亿日元和3 150万美元的欺诈,涉及Arik航空公司。 An Ikeja Special Offences Court in Nigeria granted bail to Ahmed Kuru, former AMCON Managing Director, and four others accused of a ₦76 billion and $31.5 million fraud involving Arik Airline. 被告包括Kamilu Omokide、Roy Ilegbodu、Union Bank和Super Bravo Ltd。 每个被告都获得保释,保释金额2 000万新西兰元,并获得一笔保证金。 The accused include Kamilu Omokide, Roy Ilegbodu, Union Bank, and Super Bravo Ltd. Each defendant was granted bail in the sum of ₦20 million with one surety. 经济和金融犯罪委员会(经济金融犯罪委员会)称,被告滥用职权并偷走了Arik Air的资产。 The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) alleges that the defendants abused their positions and stole Arik Air's assets. 审判定于3月重新开始。 The trial is set to resume in March.