爱尔兰拉欣奇海滩因细菌含量过高而暂时禁止游泳。 Lahinch Beach in Ireland temporarily closed for swimming due to high bacterial levels.
爱尔兰拉欣奇海滩因在水中检测到高细菌含量而暂时禁止游泳。 Lahinch Beach in Ireland is temporarily closed for swimming due to high bacterial levels detected in the water. 克莱尔郡议会根据英国卫生服务执行局的建议实施了游泳禁令,并取消了该海滩由 An Taisce 蓝旗计划授予的蓝旗地位,直至水质得到改善。 The Clare County Council imposed a swimming ban following advice from the Health Service Executive and removed the beach's Blue Flag status, granted by An Taisce's Blue Flag Programme, until improvements in water quality are observed. 预计该禁令将持续至另行通知。 The ban is expected to continue until further notice.