前总统特朗普在纽约被判 34 项重罪后计划前往亚利桑那州竞选。 Former President Trump plans to campaign in Arizona after being convicted of 34 felony charges in NY.
前总统唐纳德·特朗普被判犯有 34 项重罪指控,包括封口费指控,他计划在亚利桑那州进行竞选。 Former President Donald Trump plans to campaign in Arizona after being found guilty of 34 felony charges, including the hush money conviction. 在被判有罪后,这位共和党总统候选人可能会尝试以新的眼光来开展他的竞选活动。 The presumptive Republican presidential nominee will likely attempt to cast his campaign in a new light following the conviction.