6 月 4 日,路易斯安那州立大学 Altitude 公寓大楼附近发生枪击事件,一名成年男子受重伤。 1 adult male was critically injured in a shooting near the LSU campus on June 4 at the Altitude apartment complex.
6 月 4 日,路易斯安那州立大学 (LSU) 校园附近发生枪击事件,导致一名成年男子重伤。 A shooting near Louisiana State University (LSU) campus left one adult male critically injured on June 4. 事件发生在 Altitude 公寓大楼,距离路易斯安那州立大学校园不到半英里。 The incident occurred at the Altitude apartment complex, less than half a mile from LSU's campus. 巴吞鲁日警察局赶赴现场,发现受害者身中多处枪伤。 Baton Rouge Police Department attended the scene and found the victim with multiple gunshot wounds. 目前,枪击事件的动机和嫌疑人尚不清楚,案件仍在调查中。 The motive and suspect behind the shooting are currently unknown, and the case remains under investigation.