约旦在沙特边境附近拦截了两起涉及数百万粒 Captagon 药片的毒品走私阴谋,这些药片被与伊朗有关的叙利亚南部网络缴获。 Jordan intercepted two drug smuggling plots involving millions of Captagon pills near the Saudi border, seized by Iran-linked networks in southern Syria.
约旦挫败了两起涉及数百万片 Captagon 药片的毒品走私阴谋,这是近年来在沙特边境附近查获的最大一起毒品走私案件。 Jordan foiled two drug smuggling plots involving millions of Captagon pills, in the largest seizure in years near the Saudi border. 这些毒品藏在奥马里过境点的工程车辆中,由在叙利亚南部活动的与伊朗有关的走私网络走私,叙利亚南部是成瘾性兴奋剂 Captagon 的主要生产区。 The drugs, hidden in construction vehicles at the Omari crossing, were smuggled by Iran-linked networks operating in southern Syria, a key production area for the addictive Captagon stimulant. 约旦是这些毒品进入利润丰厚的海湾市场的主要中转站。 Jordan is a primary transit route for these drugs to reach lucrative Gulf markets.