阿塞拜疆边防警卫从伊朗缴获80公斤毒品和1 000个美沙酮单位。 Azerbaijani border guards seized 80 kg of drugs and 1,000 methadone units from Iran.
阿塞拜疆边防警卫在1月20日阻止了一次从伊朗走私毒品的重大企图。 Azerbaijani border guards stopped a major drug smuggling attempt from Iran on January 20. 他们缉获了80公斤麻醉品,包括大麻、海洛因和鸦片,以及1 000个美沙酮单位和245个药丸。 They seized 80 kilograms of narcotics, including marijuana, heroin, and opium, along with 1,000 methadone units and 245 pills. 国家边境服务局正在调查这一事件,以查明所涉人员。 The State Border Service is investigating the incident to identify those involved.