一名摩托车手在汉考克大街与汽车相撞后在科罗拉多州斯普林斯中北部丧生。 Motorcyclist killed in north-central Colorado Springs after colliding with car on Hancock Ave.
周六晚上,一名摩托车手在科罗拉多州斯普林斯中北部与汽车相撞后身亡。 Motorcyclist killed in north-central Colorado Springs after colliding with car on Saturday evening. 当时,这名骑手正在穿过汉考克大街的十字路口,而那辆停在第四街停车标志处的汽车却驶进了十字路口,导致了一场车祸。 The rider was crossing the intersection on Hancock Ave when the car, which had stopped at the 4th St stop sign, pulled into the intersection, causing a crash. 骑手被从摩托车上摔下来并当场死亡。 The rider was thrown from the motorcycle and died at the scene. 警方正在调查酒精或超速是否是造成事故的原因。 Police are investigating whether alcohol or speed played a role in the crash.