3月1日,23岁的摩托车手约瑟夫·希思(Joseph Heath)在科罗拉多斯普林斯的Austin Bluffs Parkway和Meadow Lane因红灯未停车而与一辆SUV相撞身亡。 23-year-old motorcyclist Joseph Heath died in a collision with an SUV at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Meadow Lane in Colorado Springs on March 1 due to failing to stop for a red light.
3 月 1 日,23 岁的约瑟夫·希思 (Joseph Heath) 在科罗拉多斯普林斯的奥斯汀布拉夫斯大道 (Austin Bluffs Parkway) 和梅多巷 (Meadow Lane) 与一辆 SUV 相撞时被确认为摩托车手。 23-year-old Joseph Heath was identified as the motorcyclist killed in a collision with an SUV at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Meadow Lane in Colorado Springs on March 1. 事故发生时,SUV 试图左转,而摩托车却未能在红灯时停下来。 The crash occurred when the motorcycle failed to stop for a red light while the SUV was attempting a left turn. 这是科罗拉多斯普林斯今年第 12 起交通死亡事故,高于去年同期的 11 起。 This marks the 12th traffic fatality in Colorado Springs this year, up from 11 at the same time last year.