路易斯安那州阿文代尔一所住宅内发现两名男子被枪杀;杰斐逊教区警长办公室正在调查。 2 men found shot dead in Avondale, LA home; Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office investigating.
路易斯安那州阿文代尔市一所住宅内发现两名男子被枪杀:杰斐逊教区警长办公室正在调查周日晚上在科雷塔大道一处住宅内发现两名男子遭枪伤身亡的事件。 2 men found shot dead in Avondale, LA home: Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office is investigating the deaths of two men discovered with gunshot wounds inside a residence on Coretta Drive on Sunday evening. 在接到两名男子失去意识的报告后,警员于下午 5 点 30 分左右抵达现场,并宣布两名受害者当场死亡。 Deputies arrived at the scene around 5:30 p.m. after receiving a report of two unresponsive males and declared both victims dead at the scene. 正在进行的调查正在进行中。 The ongoing investigation is underway.