在海因斯市一家家中发现两人被枪击身亡;警察将这一事件与一名兄弟的自杀声明联系起来。 Two people were found dead by gunshot at a Haines City home; police linked the incident to a brother's suicidal statements.
星期六晚上在海因斯市一家家中发现两人因枪伤死亡。 Two people were found dead with gunshot wounds at a Haines City home on Saturday night. 警方接到一个兄弟关于自杀陈述的911报警电话后作出回应。 Police responded after receiving a 911 call about suicidal statements from a brother. 抵达后,警察听到枪声,在二楼发现一男一女死亡。 Upon arrival, officers heard a gunshot and found a man and woman deceased on the second floor. 据信,这一事件与他们之间的关系有关,没有其他家庭成员受伤。 The incident is believed to be related to their relationship, with no other household members injured. 调查仍在进行中。 The investigation is ongoing.