当地政府对吉拉河印第安人社区实施枪击,造成 2 人死亡,4 人受伤。 2 killed, 4 injured in Gila River Indian Community shooting incident by local authorities.
吉拉河印第安社区房屋枪击事件造成 2 人死亡,4 人受伤:据当地政府称,亚利桑那州凤凰城南部吉拉河印第安社区发生枪击事件,一名部落警察和另一人死亡,包括另一名警察在内的四人受伤。 2 killed, 4 injured in shooting at Gila River Indian Community house: A tribal police officer and another person were killed, and four others, including another officer, were injured in a shooting incident in Gila River Indian Community, south of Phoenix, Arizona, as per local authorities. 事件发生在周六早上。 The event unfolded early on a Saturday morning.