作为医疗援助任务的一部分,卡塔尔医生在索马里治疗35名有心脏病的儿童。 Qatar doctors treat 35 children with heart defects in Somalia as part of a medical aid mission.
卡塔尔红新月会和索马里卫生部联手向摩加迪沙运送了一支“小心脏”医疗车队,向70名先天性心脏病儿童提供心脏导管。 The Qatar Red Crescent Society and Somalia's Ministry of Health have teamed up to bring a "Little Hearts" medical convoy to Mogadishu, offering cardiac catheterization to 70 children with congenital heart defects. 该倡议由卡塔尔志愿医疗专业人员领导,包括对200名儿童进行检查,并为170名当地医务工作者提供培训。 The initiative, led by volunteer medical professionals from Qatar, includes examining 200 children and providing training for 170 local medical workers. 在头四天中,进行了35次成功的导管术。 In the first four days, 35 successful catheterizations were performed.