中国将天安门事件周年纪念活动的审查工作外包给私人黑客。 China outsources cyber ops to private hackers for Tiananmen Square anniversary censorship.
在天安门事件纪念日之前,中国受民族主义和利益的驱使,使用一支由承包商组成的拼凑大军,将网络运营外包给私人黑客。 China is outsourcing cyber operations to private hackers ahead of the Tiananmen Square anniversary, using a patchwork army of contractors driven by nationalism and profit. 中国当局在 6 月 4 日左右加强了网络审查,禁止搜索词、扫描社交媒体并封锁外国媒体。 Chinese authorities tighten online censorship around the June 4 date, banning search terms, scanning social media, and blocking foreign media. 北京的网络活动旨在控制网上活动和压制国内有关该事件的讨论。 Beijing's cyber activities are aimed at controlling online activity and suppressing domestic discussion about the event.