阿加尔塔拉的律师们封锁道路,抗议法院大楼停电三天。 Lawyers in Agartala staged a road blockade protesting a three-day power cut at the court complex.
阿加尔塔拉的律师们封锁道路,抗议法院三天的断电,给律师界和公众带来极大不便。 Lawyers in Agartala staged a road blockade to protest a three-day power cut at the court complex, causing significant inconvenience to the legal fraternity and the public. 尽管一再投诉,但电力供应仍未恢复,直到部长拉坦·拉尔·纳特介入并保证及时采取行动。 Despite repeated complaints, the power supply was not restored until the intervention of Minister Ratan Lal Nath, who assured timely action. 由于停电,法院诉讼程序和其他分支机构的审判受到严重影响。 The court proceedings and other subsidiary courts were severely affected due to the power outage.