巴基斯坦首席法官批评政府和PTI的抗议活动, Pakistani chief justice criticizes government and PTI over protests that paralyzed Islamabad.
伊斯兰堡高等法院首席法官Aamer Farooq批评政府和PTI在最近的抗议活动期间的行动, Islamabad High Court Chief Justice Aamer Farooq criticized both the government and PTI for their actions during the recent protests, which shut down the city. 法院指示内政部提交一份详细的报告,并将案件延期至下周。 The court directed the Ministry of Interior to file a detailed report and adjourned the case until next week. 警察还计划对抗议期间缺席的警官采取惩戒行动。 The police are also planning to take disciplinary action against officers who were absent during the protest period.