缅印边境发生5.6级地震,无人员伤亡和重大损失。 5.6 magnitude earthquake hits Myanmar-India border, no casualties or significant damage.
据德国地质研究中心称,5 月 29 日,缅甸-印度边境地区发生 5.6 级地震,目前尚无人员伤亡或重大损失的报告。 A 5.6 magnitude earthquake struck the Myanmar-India border region on May 29, with no immediate reports of casualties or significant damage, according to the German Research Centre for Geosciences. 此次地震发生深度为 84 公里,此前孟加拉国曾发生过 5.5 级地震,但未报告造成人员伤亡或重大损失。 The event occurred at a depth of 84 km and followed an earlier 5.5 magnitude earthquake in Bangladesh, where no casualties or significant damage were reported.