土耳其航空空乘人员在乱流中崩溃;这是一周内第三起重大事故。 Turkish Airlines flight attendant breaks back in turbulence; third major incident in a week.
土耳其航空一名空乘人员在从伊斯坦布尔飞往伊兹密尔的 50 分钟国内航班中遭遇乱流摔断了背部,这是该航班一周内第三起重大乱流事件。 A Turkish Airlines flight attendant broke her back during turbulence on a 50-minute domestic flight from Istanbul to Izmir, marking the third major incident of severe turbulence in a week. 这名工作仅两个月的女子被抛向天花板,然后摔到飞机地板上。 The woman, who had been working for just two months, was thrown against the ceiling and then fell to the plane's floor. 本周,卡塔尔航空公司又发生两起与乱流有关的事故,其中一起事故造成 12 名乘客受伤。 This follows two other turbulence-related incidents this week, including one where 12 passengers were injured on a Qatar Airways flight.