气旋“雷马尔”在印度西孟加拉邦造成 2 人死亡,3 人受伤,同时还给孟加拉国造成了大面积破坏。 2 people killed, 3 injured in West Bengal, India due to cyclone Remal, which also caused widespread damage in Bangladesh.
气旋“雷马尔”在印度西孟加拉邦造成 2 人死亡,3 人受伤,还给孟加拉国带来了大面积破坏,并导致数百万人断电。 2 people killed, 3 injured in West Bengal, India due to cyclone Remal, which also caused widespread damage and left millions without power in Bangladesh. 飓风袭击了西孟加拉邦和孟加拉国的沿海地区,扰乱了加尔各答和其他南部地区的航空、铁路和公路交通。 The cyclone hit the coastal regions of West Bengal and Bangladesh, disrupting air, rail, and road travel in Kolkata and other southern areas. 这是孟加拉湾今年的第一次气旋,发生在六月至九月季风季节之前。 This marks the first cyclone of the year in the Bay of Bengal, occurring ahead of the monsoon season from June to September.