布朗诉教育委员会案 70 年后,拉里·威尔逊强调了美国学校融合的失败,并列举了帕萨迪纳市 1971 年的校车政策和持续存在的种族隔离现象。 70 years after Brown v. Board, Larry Wilson highlights the failure of US school integration, citing Pasadena's 1971 busing effort and persisting segregation.
布朗诉教育委员会案发生 70 周年之际,拉里·威尔逊反思了美国学校融合的失败。 70 years since Brown v. Board of Education, Larry Wilson reflects on the failure of US school integration. 他的家乡帕萨迪纳于 1971 年尝试通过校车事实上废除种族隔离,但自然融合受到限制,种族隔离依然存在。 His hometown of Pasadena attempted de facto desegregation via busing in 1971, but natural integration was limited, and segregation persisted. 最高法院 1954 年的裁决被认为未能实现,威尔逊表示,学校融合的梦想不仅被推迟,而且已破灭。 The Supreme Court's decision in 1954 is considered unfulfilled, with Wilson stating that the dream of school integration is not just deferred but dead.