48岁的WGNO-TV体育制片人Mark Deane在新月城市连接桥摩托车事故中丧生;司机因过失杀人被捕。 48-year-old WGNO-TV sports producer Mark Deane killed in motorcycle accident on Crescent City Connection bridge; driver arrested for negligent homicide.
48岁的WGNO-TV体育制作人Mark Deane在新月城市连接桥发生的摩托车事故中丧生。 48-year-old WGNO-TV sports producer Mark Deane was killed in a motorcycle accident on the Crescent City Connection bridge. 迪恩的摩托车被一辆丰田卡姆里车从后面撞了下来,车手是29岁的阿尔贝托·马丁内斯-桑切斯,他因过失杀人和其他交通相关罪行而被捕。 Deane's motorcycle was struck from behind by a Toyota Camry driven by 29-year-old Alberto Martinez-Sanchez, who has been arrested on charges of negligent homicide and other traffic-related offenses. WGNO对Deane的损失表示哀悼,他是他们团队不可分割的一部分。 WGNO mourns Deane's loss, who was an integral part of their team.