朝鲜计划发射一枚疑似间谍卫星的火箭,引发韩国和日本的担忧,违反了联合国决议。 North Korea plans to launch a rocket with a suspected spy satellite, prompting concerns from South Korea and Japan, violating UN resolutions.
朝鲜计划于下周初发射一枚火箭,可能携带其第二颗军事间谍卫星,此举引起邻国韩国和日本的强烈谴责。 North Korea plans to launch a rocket, likely carrying its second military spy satellite, by early next week, prompting strong rebukes from neighboring countries South Korea and Japan. 此次发射计划违反了联合国决议,韩国和日本均对其对地区安全的潜在威胁表示担忧。 The planned launch violates UN resolutions, with both South Korea and Japan expressing concern about the potential threat to regional security. 朝鲜此前于2022年11月发射了第一颗军事侦察卫星,这是其建设太空监视网络努力的一部分。 North Korea previously launched its first military reconnaissance satellite in November 2022, as part of its efforts to build a space-based surveillance network.