野营炉引发山火一年后,苏格兰皇家鸟类保护协会位于高地的科里莫尼自然保护区显示出自然恢复的迹象。 1 year after a wildfire caused by a camping stove, RSPB Scotland's Corrimony Nature Reserve in Highlands shows signs of natural recovery.
一年前,一场严重的山火肆虐了苏格兰皇家鸟类保护协会位于高地的科里莫尼自然保护区,如今,该保护区的部分地区已出现自然恢复的迹象。 1 year after a severe wildfire ravaged RSPB Scotland's Corrimony Nature Reserve in Highlands, parts of the reserve are showing signs of natural recovery. 这场由野营炉引起的大火持续了两周,影响了5平方英里的土地。 The fire, caused by a camping stove, burned for two weeks and affected 5 square miles of land. 英国皇家鸟类保护协会苏格兰分会筹集了 20 万英镑捐款用于修复工作,包括种植新树以及与 Barratt Homes 和 Trees for Life 合作。 RSPB Scotland raised £200,000 in donations for restoration efforts, including planting new trees and collaborating with Barratt Homes and Trees for Life.