一辆处于自动驾驶模式的特斯拉汽车在加利福尼亚州富勒顿撞上停放的警车;司机承认当时正在打电话。 Tesla car in self-driving mode crashes into parked police car in Fullerton, CA; driver admits to being on phone.
当时,一名警官正在管理交通以调查一起致命事故,一辆处于自动驾驶模式的特斯拉汽车在加利福尼亚州富勒顿撞上了一辆停放的警车。 A Tesla car in self-driving mode crashed into a parked police car in Fullerton, California while an officer was managing traffic for a fatal accident investigation. 特斯拉司机承认在发生碰撞时正在打电话并使用自动驾驶模式。 The Tesla driver admitted to being on his cellphone at the time of the collision and using self-drive mode. 未造成人员伤亡,但撞击对巡逻车造成了严重损坏。 No injuries were reported, but the impact caused significant damage to the patrol car. 参与初步酒驾调查的司机因涉嫌酒驾和无证驾驶而被逮捕。 The driver involved in the initial DUI investigation was arrested on suspicion of DUI and driving without a license.