由于提议将部分 SQAS 工作下放给地区 ICB,英格兰的国家筛查服务面临安全问题。 England's national screening services face safety concerns due to proposals to devolve parts of SQAS to regional ICBs.
由于有人提议将国家筛查质量保证服务(SQAS)的部分内容下放给地区综合护理委员会(ICB),人们对英格兰国家筛查服务的安全性产生了担忧。 Concerns are raised over safety of England's national screening services, due to proposals to devolve parts of the National Screening Quality Assurance Service (SQAS) to regional Integrated Care Boards (ICBs). 权力下放可能导致专业知识、独立性和国家监督的丧失,从而使得及早发现问题和改善筛查途径变得更加困难。 Devolution could lead to loss of expertise, independence, and national oversight, making it harder to identify problems early and improve screening pathways. 英国国民医疗服务体系 (NHS England) 表示,关于将部分筛查职能委托给 ICB 的讨论仍在进行中。 NHS England maintains that discussions over delegating some screening functions to ICBs are ongoing.