罗伊诉韦德案推翻两年后,谢法利·卢瑟拉 (Shefali Luthra) 的著作《不应有的负担》探讨了该判决对美国人生活的影响。 2 years after Roe v. Wade overturn, Shefali Luthra's book "Undue Burden" examines the impact of the decision on American lives.
罗伊诉韦德案推翻两年后,谢法利·卢瑟拉 (Shefali Luthra) 的书《不应有的负担》揭示了法院的判决如何扰乱了美国人的生活。 2 years after Roe v. Wade overturn, Shefali Luthra's book "Undue Burden" reveals how the court's decision has disrupted lives in the US. 卢瑟拉在她的书中采访了许多美国人,讨论了这种逆转对他们生活的影响。 Luthra interviewed various Americans, discussing the impact of the reversal on their lives in her book. 该判决的影响重塑了美国社会,包括获得生殖健康和个人选择的机会。 The consequences of the decision have reshaped American society, including access to reproductive health and personal choices.