美国宇航局连续12年在联邦雇员满意度调查中名列前茅。 NASA maintains top spot in federal employee satisfaction surveys for 12 consecutive years.
美国宇航局在联邦雇员满意度调查中仍然名列前茅,92% 的员工表示他们为能为该航天局工作而感到自豪。 NASA remains at the top of federal employee satisfaction surveys, with 92% of workers reporting they are proud to work for the space agency. 年度联邦雇员观点调查由公共服务伙伴关系和波士顿咨询集团发布,涵盖 532 个联邦机构,自 2003 年开始实施。 The annual Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey, released by the Partnership for Public Service and the Boston Consulting Group, covers 532 federal agencies and has been running since 2003. NASA已连续12年保持榜首。 NASA has maintained its top spot for 12 consecutive years.