德克萨斯州哈里斯县政府计划购买易受洪水侵袭的房屋,但一些房主拒绝搬迁。 Harris County, Texas, government aims to buy flood-prone homes, but some homeowners resist relocation.
政府计划购买德克萨斯州哈里斯县易受洪水侵袭的房屋,但一些居民不愿离开。 The government aims to buy flood-prone homes in Harris County, Texas, but some residents are reluctant to leave. 最近发生洪灾后,哈里斯县防洪区出于安全原因试图将洪水易发地区的房主迁出。 After recent flooding, the Harris County Flood Control District seeks to relocate homeowners from flood-prone areas for safety reasons. 然而,尽管政府提出要收购他们的房屋,但像汤姆·麦迪根这样的房主仍然决心修缮他们的房屋。 However, homeowners like Tom Madigan are determined to repair their homes despite offers from the government to buy them out.