由于担心环境和社区问题,塞尔维亚爆发抗议活动,针对贾里德·库什纳资助的房地产项目。 Protests in Serbia target Jared Kushner-funded real estate project due to environmental and community concerns.
由于担心环境影响、当地社区混乱以及美国高级顾问的参与,塞尔维亚爆发了针对特朗普总统女婿贾里德·库什纳资助的一个房地产项目的抗议活动。 Protests planned in Serbia target a real estate project funded by Jared Kushner, President Trump's son-in-law, due to concerns over environmental impact, local community disruption, and involvement of a U.S. senior advisor. 贝尔格莱德的豪华海滨开发项目自开始以来就受到批评,反对者担心居民流离失所并损害自然资源。 The luxury waterfront development in Belgrade has faced criticism since its inception, with opponents fearing resident displacement and harm to natural resources.