国家公园管理局通过 LWCF 州和地方援助计划向北达科他州部落拨款 254,625 美元用于户外娱乐和公园开发。 The National Park Service awarded $254,625 to North Dakota tribes through the LWCF State and Local Assistance Program for outdoor recreation and park development.
国家公园管理局通过 LWCF 州和地方援助计划向北达科他州各部落拨款 254,625 美元,资助灵湖部落的户外娱乐设施建设和龟山奇珀瓦印第安人部落的遗产公园开发。 The National Park Service awarded $254,625 to North Dakota tribes through the LWCF State and Local Assistance Program, funding the Spirit Lake Tribe's outdoor recreation building and Heritage Park development by Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians. 自 1965 年以来,NPS 已通过 LWCF 提供了超过 40,000 笔赠款,主要资金来自联邦海上石油和天然气租赁收入。 Since 1965, NPS has provided over 40,000 grants via LWCF, primarily funded by federal offshore oil and gas lease revenue. 2019 年《约翰·丁格尔法案》重新授权并改革了 LWCF,确保各州获得至少 40% 的资金。 The 2019 John D. Dingell, Jr. Act reauthorized and reformed LWCF, ensuring states receive at least 40% of funding.